fabian thüroff (*1989 in hof, germany) is currently enrolled in photography and visual media at the university of applied sciences and arts bielefeld. he studied at bezalel academy of arts and design jerusalem and the university of technology chemnitz, from which he holds a b.sc. in engineering. since 2019 he is based in bielefeld where he is member of the artists unlimited e.v..
the landscape between a blue and a grey thread, oscar gallery, chemnitz. (upcoming)
id, bezalel photogrpahy gallery, jerusalem, israel.
as/em, leipzig, germany.
wissenschaft trifft kunst, fraunhofer enas, chemnitz, germany.
our common ground, raum21, bielefeld, germany.
bindungen or how to collect bondings, artists unlimited gallery, bielefeld, germany.
begehungen 2021, chemnitz, germany.
cabrio 2021, kunstverein bielefeld, germany.
cci lab, ars electronica, linz, austria.
penelope, who cares? coop w/ henrike schmitz as part of politics of friendship, kunstverein bielefeld, germany.
dazwischen, artists unlimited, bielefeld, germany.
workshop: museumsatelier mit fabian thüroff: völlig von den socken der republik, kunstsammlungen chemnitz, germany.
private. collectors. room. // gegenwarten, chemnitz, germany.
skopski groove, fh bielefeld gestaltung. (postponed)
"so tun als ob; bis jetzt.", galerie hinten, chemnitz, germany.
woolrich, spin lab leipzig, splash! festival, landstreicher booking, rakete mit k, playstation dach, adidas neo, elldus resort, textiltrainer, cwe, binee, kohrener landmolkerei
klub solitaer, neue unentd_ckte narrative, asa ff, festivalfriends, der rahmen ist programm, stadt chemnitz, c3, kosmos chemnitz, kinderfilmfest bielefeld, transit chemnitz, kraftwerk chemnitz, maker fair chemnitz, pochen bienial